For about a year now, I’ve set Monday aside. It’s my “day off” since we all know that Sunday -what should be a day off for Mom’s -really isn’t a day off at all. Between getting kids dressed, clothes pressed, diapers messed… it’s just tiring. If we’re lucky, we get a nap and we need it. After getting Sunday dinner on the table then off the table, we’re worn out.
So I staked claim to Monday. I don’t plan anything if I can help it.
And I don’t feel guilty for watching a movie in the middle of the day.
Or heading outside instead of fixing dinner:
While Trenton slept, the girl and I ventured outside. I sat down under a tree, leaned my back against it, held her on my lap, and asked her to close her eyes.
“What do you hear?” I asked.
“Birds. A train…” she said.
“I hear the wind making the leaves move.” I said. We opened our eyes and went hunting for leaves. I taught her about the “lines” in the leaves and how they use those lines to get their food and water from the tree to grow bigger. We found leaves with bug-eaten holes in them. We found dead leaves. We found thin leaves, thick leaves, crunchy leaves, baby leaves…
And smack dab in the middle of The Great Leaf Hunt, we found a giant dead moth.
We flipped it over and counted it’s legs and the ribbing on it’s body. We found it’s eyes and talked about its wings.
Lacy wanted to keep it, so she emptied her purse.
And put it in:
Trenton woke up, heard us outside and joined us for Leaf Hunting and Dead Moth Marveling.
Then the worst happened: the dead moth’s brittle wing broke.
And all at once, The Dead Moth wasn’t interesting anymore. I was asked to babysit while the kids went back to hunting leaves.
Trent hunted with his Black and Decker Jr. Saws.
And I laid down. A few seconds after I got comfortable, Lacy declared, “MOM! You’re having a baby!”
“What?” I said.
“I hafta cut it out with a stick!”
The stick, it turned out, WAS the baby. And her name was Perla Girl.
Soon after Perla Girl made her entrance into the world, Trenton delivered Perla Boy… also a stick.
As I held my two new babies next to me, my kids fixed me up. As it turned out, I had a broken leg, broken arm, broken toe AND a broken ear. No worries, though. It wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed by a couple of glow sticks and a toy hammer.
Meet the babies and the leaf I got for being “such a good girl” during all of my surgeries:
Of course, no one should have a baby without a BABY SHOWER, and Lacy made sure I got one. She even grabbed my camera.
“We hafta take a picture of you opening your present!” She said.
It was a sock full of rocks which turned out to be JUST what the babies needed:
(excuse the blurry picture, it was taken while my darling boy shook me.)
And just then, like magic, the neighbors drove by with their cow:
“HI, SISTER DEETS!” The kids yelled from inside the truck.
Yesterday, one of those same neighbors (a ten-year old boy who takes piano lessons from me) helped Lacy bug hunt for 30 minutes. The spoils were incredible and included TWO dragon flies.
Did you know my sweet, delicate girl can catch flies with her bare hands? She snatches them up by the wing.
Ahhhh, Mondays. Everyone needs a “day off” at least once a week.