Right now, I’m trying NOT to be fake or glossy about my life.
I also have a lot going on that I don’t want to be open or loud about either.
I’m trying to find a balance that is honest and real but still honoring my own boundaries.
Right now, my personality and uniqueness is fighting with GRIT to stay even a little bit present. I’ve lost so much of it in the trenches, and I’m so tired… sometimes I’m JUST TOO TIRED to let myself be me.
Ironically, my TRUE SELF is one of my most powerful tools in the battles facing me right now.
CRAZY how one of my most powerful tools is also the quickest to run and hide behind chocolate bars and classic movies (speaking of: The African Queen is on Netflix right now which means I’m happy and also honing in on perfecting my Katherine Hepburn accent).
So on the days when I’m not too tired, I work on finding beauty in my feminine energy -whatever that might be for the day.
Sometimes it’s a roaring strength that only a woman knows.
Sometimes it’s stitching something in only a way a woman can.
Sometimes it’s putting on something that smells good, or diffusing a creation of essential oils.
Sometimes it’s cleaning a space. I like to tell anyone who passes by to see the sweat on top of my sweats and five trash bags behind me that the closet was messing with my chi.
But if we’re being honest, every room in my house is currently messing with my chi and today I’m not likely to put my feminine energy into cleaning it up.
As I’ve sought out things that really touch me and awaken something deep within me, I’ve found a couple that I wanted to share with you.
The first is Katie Daisy Art.
COLOR is something that really brings me joy. Colorful yarn, colorful plates, colorful personalities, variety on earth and in people!
You think I’d do better with having “every color in the rainbow” on the dinner plates… but sometimes my rainbow consists of brown and red and CORNDOGS it is!
And the children rejoice therein.
But back to Katie Daisy.
Bringing color into my life nurtures the part of me that will always be perpetually 11… the days before I cared too awfully much about boys and what others thought about my gigantic pink glasses and when I lived in a world filled with imagination, colors, accents, adventure! And I usually never even had to venture outside my own backyard to get it.
My mind has always been it’s own sort of foreign country.
The guy I married will vouch for that.
This morning and yesterday morning and the day before that, I lathered myself up in homemade soap and it made me so happy. It reminded me that I need to making my own like I’ve always wanted to, but in the meantime I have no qualms getting this stuff from Brit Dewey.
I’ve never met her.
She came to my little town and sold some of her wares, and I wasn’t able to make it. A friend of mine gave some of Brit’s product to me as a gift, and it has made me so happy.
Today I get paid, and I’ll be placing a good sized order from her.
This stuff. You guys, it’s GOOD. It feels good and smells good.
It keeps on giving throughout the day. I can smell her soap scent as I work in a shop filled with grease, and it reminds me that although the shop smells, I DO NOT.
Feminine beauty, folks.
I smell like a rose among antifreeze.
Or something.
I realize not everyone gets as worked up as I am over this soap, but I wanted to share it with you anyway. I kind of want to give some away and it’s priced OH SO RIGHT for me and my tight wallet.
It’s all natural and I KNOW WHAT’S IN IT which is important to me right now as I battle -along with everything -health issues like inflammation.
Check out her site right here.
Here’s the soap I’m using right now, and I’m going to see if she carries lotion in the same scent…
I’ve uncovered a few things lately that make my inside do good flip-flops, but those are what have caught me this week.
I’d love to hear about YOUR findings. Because sometimes -as I said -I’m just too tired to find my own :)