Homemade Face Paint

We have a reunion coming up, and the theme is CIRCUS!  My sister-in-law is here, and she’ll be in charge of the face painting.  We decided to whip up some homemade face paints and get some practice in.

All it takes is 2 parts cornstarch, 1 part cold cream, one part water and food coloring.
For example, if you use 2 Tablespoons cold cream and 2 Tablespoons of water, you’ll need 4 Tablespoons of cornstarch, which -as you can see -is no problem for me. I Sam’s Club that shizz.
You stir the cold cream into the cornstarch.
Then you add the water.
Then the coloring.

I dabbed on some glitter and traced around the butterfly (what? you couldn’t tell what it was? isn’t it obvious? aren’t I a professional arrteest?) with an eye definer pencil.
She insisted on painting me and I had to snap a picture of her while she painted… so studious.
She painted something awesome on me.  It’s a butterfly. I snapped a picture of us, thinking she’d be grinning as ridiculously as I was. So… basically I’m a fool.
A fool with gloop on my head.


PS -I had to google “cold cream” because I thought they meant cream from a cow. that was cold. I might as well black out a tooth and show my true colors. Farm girl!


  1. […] made face paint yesterday morning. We had some visitors come around just in time, and I had the kids line up. […]

  2. […] Homemade Face Paint This pretty much makes me the coolest mom on the planet. It’s isn’t high quality, but […]

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