Return of the Funny Bone!

Friends, you are funny.  And when I say “funny” I really mean it.  If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t laugh nearly as hard as I do.  Thank you for noticing funny things.  Thank you for snapping pictures of them.  Thank you for sending them my way.  Really, thank you.

Here’s one from Steve.  He spotted this flyer and had to share:Photobucket

3/4 – 5 bedrooms? That’s quite a jump. I can almost hear the advertiser whining,”If I can’t have 3/4 of a bedroom, just give me 5!” So there.

Here’s a poem my sister sent to me a few days ago. After reading it, you’ll never be able to stop yourself from giggling when someone says, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Henry

Ann was the love of Colin’s life
Until the day he went to meet her.
Later she became his wife
But absence makes the heart grow Peter.

Jack was obsessed with Debby’s writing.
Then one day he caught the train
And found the woman less exciting.
Absence makes the heart grow Jane.

I love you when you’re not around.
If we come face to face again we
Stand to lose by being found,
For absence makes the heart grow Henry.
(poem written by Sophie Hannah)

This video comes to us from my Tia. Not your Tia. Mine.
You might have already seen this. It’s sort of a sensation right now, but I don’t know why. At all. And maybe that’s what’s making it a sensation. No one can figure out what the hen is going on. And I just have to ask: are those kids really old enough to be driving?

Fun, fun, fun, fun!

And a little sad.  Because music and lyrics are supposed to make sweet love together not slaughter each other like that.

Back to Steve. He texted this to me with the words, “I want to go to Brighton!” Anyone who appreciates BBC will get it. Anyone who doesn’t ought to lament the bleakness that is their life OR just pick up a copy of the Colin Firth “Pride and Prejudice.”

There’s actually an internet store out there that sells a mouse pad with the words “I want to go to Brighton!” on it. I’ve been tempted to buy it about 5 times, but I don’t know who to give it to. Steve?

This picture comes to you from my kids.
They are -the both of them -stuck. At the same time. One in a tree. One on the fence.
“Mama!” They cried, “STUCK! HELP!” To which I replied, “No way! You got this!” And guess what? They did. Within minutes they were both unstuck and just THAT much more independent.
AND I got a funny picture. Win, win!
And last of all, here’s a picture I snapped while visiting Sister. Things like this are really only funny to me, Sister, and maybe Steve.

Thank your, everyone.


  1. I want to go to Brighton!!

    And you’re right…those kids look waaaaay too young to be driving. Or maybe that just means that I’m old. Either way, I watched the entire video, but the whole time, I thought…whaaat? Seriously?

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