Fantasy Octoberfest

It’s deliciously overcast today, and I’m spending my morning in a fantasyland where I get to keep these guys home for the day and spoil them to the core with apple cider, a movie, board games and gingersnaps.

But this isn’t fantasyland. It’s reality. And they are at school and I have a job and piano lessons to teach.

But overcast, drizzly October days really ought to be treated with respect, even if we can only access it in fantasyland.

If your time is your own today and your day is deliciously overcast as well, drink some cider and wear a sweater. Tuck yourself up in a blanket, hang a quarantine sign on the door and make time for the connections that really matter in life:
Connect with God.
Connect with yourself.
Connect with someone you love and treasure.

And watch this movie:

(It’s on Netflix right now)

And even though I can’t live out exactly what I feel SHOULD be going on today, I can still bake some gingersnaps and wear a sweater.
Reality might be able to rob me of time with my children and blankets, but IT CAN NOT ROB ME OF MY SWEATER.

In other news, Alice inadvertently taught me a new way to enjoy my tortilla chips.

Unrelated: I’m going to the store for chips today. Chips and cider.

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