I usually hate change.
I usually balk at the word and run and hide under my covers, chanting, “I’m a conservative, I’m a conservative…” But today? Today’s change is BY FAR for the best. Hand in hand with my brilliant designer, Brittany, this blog will soar to new heights. Or, rather, it will soar to the exact height it used to be at.
Either way, I’m pretty stinking excited.
I took some “alone time” last night to get my site squared away. After I got off the phone with Robert, my new BFF consulting partner, I didn’t have anything to do at all. Usually with my alone time, I blog. Last night, I sort of stared at my facebook and wondered what on earth I should do with my life. Then I called Brittany, talked to her about the blog, talked to her about her graduation, talked to her about family pictures, talked to her about my brother, talked to her about “Clash of the Titans” and then we got off the phone.
I woke up this morning and kick started my new blog.
You have the exciting opportunity to WATCH my blog build because I’m not cool enough to wait until it’s built to introduce it. If you want to wait, don’t come back until I say so. If you don’t care… welcome!
Ooohh….this is nice. Very exciting!