10 Blogs

I have blogs I go to when I need to laugh -and there’s a few that never let me down. I wonder if the authors feel pressure to BE FUNNY at all times. I don’t know.
Sometimes it isn’t entire blogs that make me laugh so much as it is a few posts they’ve written.
In no specific order:

#1) The Snuggie Text post by It Just Gets Stranger. This post slaughters me every. dang. time. Read it and you’ll see why.

#2) Awkward Family Photos is always up and ready for surfing… it never lets me down.

#3) Middle-Aged Mormon Man is great. While every single post isn’t always funny, every single post is always worth a read. It doesn’t matter whether you’re Mormon or not -someone with a good sense of humor who writes is always worth reading, no matter their religious beliefs.

#4) I first started blogging in 2005 (gosh, has it been that long?) and I used to frequent a blog written by a Brit (I’m assuming). The blog is written cleverly, and I shouldn’t like it… because the author dedicated the blog to listing reasons why she hated her flatmate. The more recent posts (the last in 2009, so I’m using the word “recently” pretty loosely) are not written by the original author. It’s obvious, so scroll to the 2005-2006ish era. Click HERE to read some from 2005.

#5) This website actually makes fun of Mormon-y culture-y things… and although the author doesn’t keep it up anymore, I sometimes go back and read over posts and laugh so hard I nearly wet m’self. It’s a fictional blog. I have to explain that, see, because some people didn’t get it. It’s written by TAMN (Tiffany/Amber/Megan/Nicole) and she’s ridiculously skinny (even while pregnant with twins that have weird names with even weirder spellings). There’s all kinds of slang and misspelled words… and there’s just so much awesomeness on it that I wish she were still writing it! It gives me a good laugh. Click HERE. And yes: she’s a huge Twilight fan.

#6) If you’re a mother (stay at home or not) you’ll appreciate THIS post by Alex at Lateenough.

#7) My friend, Laurie, recommended THIS post to me after I wrote about placenta encapsulation. I love it.

#8) The next two posts come to you from Laurie herself. Click HERE to read about her thoughts on Edward Cullen. It’s about one minute worth of reading and one lifetime worth of laughing.

#9) Here Laurie details a date she went on. I dare you to top this story. Read it HERE.

#10) I’m realizing the amount of Mormon humor I have stuffed in my mental archives *might* not be the healthiest. But as long as its there, let’s share. This one is really worth taking a look at. Click HERE to be amazed!

I’ll list ten more when they come to me.
Which, hopefully, will be tonight and tomorrow. This whole “groups of 20″ is harder than you might think. Zeriously.


  1. Thanks for including me. I can’t wait to check out some of the other links.
    Oh and when I wrote some funny posts in a row, I felt enormous self imposed pressure to be funny and I stopped being able to write much at all. So I stick with quirky which allows both funny and serious and my strongest suit: odd.

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