We trekked out of our house for the first time since Alice was born to take her to her first Doctor visit. Instead of taking her to a two-day appointment, our Pediatrician told us to wait it out and bring her in five days later.
She is SUCH a healthy baby… they didn’t have any concerns, and I was more than happy to keep my stitched-up body home for a few days before venturing out.
Her appointment went awesome -she only lost 1.5 ounces, and she’s plump and pink and just healthy, healthy, healthy! She’s the healthiest baby I’ve ever had, and I’m loving it!
We left the girl here with her best friend so she wouldn’t miss school, and we enjoyed our trip with just two of our three kids. Our little man has been needing some extra attention.
Flagstaff is COVERED in snow, and it was such a beautiful winter day… the skies were overcast and everything was white.
We ate our lunch at Sam’s Club… I’ve been STARVING -I’m making so much milk. I come from a hearty line of dairy farmers, so it’s only natural.
They’d be so proud of their little Holstein and her calf-ling.
While we were eating (okay, INHALING) our food in the Sam’s Club Food Court, a bearded gentlemen walked over to Trenton, handed him a $1 and said, “Merry Christmas.”
He walked away so fast, we barely had time to thank him… I don’t think he was waiting for thanks. I think he just wanted to give.
It made my son’s day. He decided now that he had money, he was going to buy himself a new car seat.
“They cost more than you have,” we tried to explain to him.
“But I have MONEY,” he tried to explain to us.
When someone offers a gift like that, it makes you want to go out and give yourself.
I do love the Christmas season with all it’s bustle and hustle and love and kindness and jolliness and singing and goody eating and love, love, love.
I’m in love this Christmas season.
And to celebrate, I hugged my husband. I didn’t have to half-hug him or side-hug him or bend my body in half and hug only his stomach while letting mine droop down…
I full on HUGGED that man! It’s the little things you miss when you’re pregnant…
And it’s our Little Thing we’re enjoying now that we’re DONE being pregnant!
A Day in the City
December 19, 2012 by · 1 Comment
Wait, who’s all in that old picture? One of these days I hope to know as much about our ancestors as you do :)