Yesterday, I tried to do something nice. And I came away having had something nice done for me.
I’m starting to get suspicious because the SAME thing happened a few weeks ago. And a few weeks before that. AND a few weeks before that.
I once took a plate of brownies to a pregnant woman. They weren’t just any brownies. They were MINT brownies. FANCY MINT brownies. She was at the end of her pregnancy, and she wasn’t feeling well at all. Surely, the brownies would help! I knocked on the door, handed her the plate, she thanked me and then said, “The doctor said I can’t eat food like this until the baby comes, but my husband will love them. Have you had lunch?”
I told her I was fine. I’d be going home soon. And all the while I talked, she nodded, led me into the kitchen…
Then SHE fed ME, though I did protest.
I’m starting to wonder if I’m cut out for being nice.
I’m starting to wonder if this town is just too fattly full of nice people, or something.
I’m also starting to wonder if trying to do nice things is a skill beyond my reach.
It reminds me of the “Friends” episode where Joey and Phoebe argue about how there’s no such thing as a good deed.
I can’t embed this video, but please WATCH THIS edited clip from the entire episode.
You’ll see what I mean. You can’t WIN in this world, folks. Not with all the bee stings in the park.
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