When I log onto my blog, I can see how many people visited my site and what sites referred me. I’ve been getting a few hits from a site called:
Pile o’ Craft
I searched it out a few weeks ago and found out something I should have known MUCH MUCH earlier. But I didn’t. Because I’m a loser of a cousin.
It’s an amazing site run by my three cousins!! I admire all of them individually for different reasons, and the three of them have gotten together (though they all live miles apart) to create, build, and update this amazing site.
They’re all sisters.
Kourtney is the oldest. Her posts are generally about card making.
Jackie is the middle sister. Her posts concern cooking healthy, budget-friendly meals.
Lindy is the youngest. Her posts are all about decorating on a budget (which as a NEWLY WED she does A LOT of).
I have to say: this site is really really amazing. I wish I had taken notice of it sooner.
And NOT just because we all have the same maiden name.
I’m seriously dying to make some of Lindy’s candlesticks. Seriously.
click HERE to check it out!
If you scroll down a few posts, you can see the fabric pumpkins I made a few weeks ago. Do you want a few??
Here’s how to get them:
Click on the Pile o’ Craft link above.
Become a follower of that site.
Come back here and leave a comment letting me know you did.
I’ll draw one winner at random and they will receive two fabric pumpkins in the mail (unless they live a few streets down. then I’ll hand deliver).
**It must here be noted that my cousins have no idea that I’m pimping their site for pumpkins. So don’t tell them. Just follow them.**
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