After a beautiful week of short-sleeve weather, we spent Saturday night in and out of a restless sleep listening to strong winds blow a storm in. We woke up to:
Upon looking out the winnder, I immediately thought of the brand new leaves that had just begun sprouting from the tree outside my kitchen window. I look forward to those little green promises of warmth-ahead, and to see them get snowed on was just… really, really sad.
I guess we all know what it feels like to try your very hardest to do your very best and end up getting snowed on.
Well, people don’t usually call it “snowed on” but I think I prefer “snow” to well, “crap.”
Yesterday as we were getting ready for church, my husband got called into work. I started rearranging in my mind what I needed to do at church and how I needed to do it because church with two preschoolers and one parents is MUCH different than church with two preschoolers and two parents. I loaded my kids in our little truck and turned the windshield wipers on.
Only, oops, that wasn’t the wipers, that was the lights.
THERE! There’s the wipers. Okay, hurryhurryhurry… we’re going to be late. I rubbed my hands together in front of the struggling heater and asked my kids to PLEASE stay seated since they always seem to find a way out of whatever means used to keep them down.
We made tracks in the snow that covered the church lawn as we rushed into the warm indoors. We were only a little late.
As my daughter retrieved about 20 jelly beans from her crochet church purse her grandpa had bought her at last year’s community yard sale, I sat back and tried to focus on what was being said.
When the first hour of church let out, I told the kids to go to Primary and I’d meet them there.
Once there, I realized that 2 classes didn’t have teachers… and it was all my fault. One of the teachers had called and let me know they wouldn’t be there, and I was going to combine two classes to make up for it… and I forgot. One of the classes was taught by my husband, who obviously wasn’t there AND I TOTALLY FORGOT to put a temporary sub in with them! I drove one child near-to-tears because I didn’t give him a sticker for saying a prayer (I don’t ever have stickers, so I was at a total loss), and then.
To top it all off.
Remember when I turned my wipers on? But I turned the lights on instead?
Guessss what? I never turned them off.
So when I went to start up the little truck after church was over? It wouldn’t start.
I text my husband, “The battery in the truck is dead. I am so DONE with this day.”
And he text back, “I’ll come jump you.”
I might have text back something clever like, “yes, please (*wink, wink*)” but I was a little exhausted.
“Where are you?” I text back instead. I thought he was at work which was why I just wrestled with two preschoolers clad in nice clothing. Getting them both in the same car at the same time is something of a feat.
“Home,” he text back.
I grit my teeth a little. He was at home? He was at home while I was in high heels, chasing a boy across a wet lawn while my arms were full of binders and scriptures?
Within minutes, he pulled into the parking lot, pushed our truck (okay, THAT was sexy) to where it needed to be, jumped it, and followed me home.
I walked in the house to find that he had picked up (after getting ready for church and out the door, our house always needs a good pick up) and had started doing dishes.
Guess what I did?
I burst into tears, naturally.
“Do you need to go lie down?” He asked.
“NO!” I threw my arms around him and said, “You’re just so great. Thank you.”
And suddenly life was okay again. I didn’t feel like the little blossoming willow tree who can’t seem to catch a break.
The snow that had fallen on my Sunday morning efforts melted away.
My husband is like the sun. Okay, don’t think about that too much because you’ll die of awkward cheesiness.
But boy. I love that boy. And I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about driving my truck out and running the battery down so he’d have to come and push it around for me.
Heaven, save a place for that man. You’ll love having him around.
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