
The girl fell at preschool yesterday, ripped a hole in her pants, and skinned her knee up pretty good. She insisted that Grandpa was the ONLY person around who would have a band-aid to suit her. So Grandpa whisked her away to doctor her. He did tell me that the minute they got to Grandma and Grandpa’s house, she suddenly forgot all about the Band-Aid situation.
I suspected she might…

While she was gone, I took full advantage of my time with my little man.
“What do you want to do?” I asked him.
“Make Froggy in da ho’e!” he said. I guess I knew he would say that. I talked him out of it (we had JUST had it for breakfast!), and he decided on playing cars instead.

My husband has selective hearing. When he’s playing his play station, he doesn’t seem to hear me when I say “craft this-and-that” or “house work this-and-that” or “clothing this-and-that” BUT Cars?
He set his game down and got down on the floor. Suddenly, I became entirely invisible.
This one is my favorite. Notice how their cars are racing toward each other and both of the boys are making sound effects.

The race track I had made out of books was completely deserted.
Save for one lonely skateboard.

Can’t just just HEAR the coyotes calling in the background of the ghost racetrack?

I finally gave up on trying to force my way into being popular with the boys.
Anyway, my mom always taught me that trying to be popular with the boys wasn’t always the best idea.
They should like me for my brains, she said.

So I started digging through my son’s car bin and pulling out stray toys. In the process, I started noticing a worrisome trend…

Immediately, I wanted my girl back.
I can’t BELIEVE I used to be so boy crazy.

Oh, wait. Yes I can. Bloody good looking, that one.

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