Christmas “Cards” are Here

Per tradition, our family usually makes cheeseballs every Christmas for family and friends that live ’round about.  This year, despite the fact that cheeseballs and hot cocoa mix cost about the same… I’m sending out delicious hot cocoa mix.  I’m not bragging on my cruddy cooking skills, but I AM bragging on the recipe.  Oh, ho brother!  It is go-OOD.

Last year, we got so busy that although we bought everything for the cheeseballs, we never actually made them.  The result was the untimely demise of any New Year’s Resolution involving weight loss, as I made and devoured an unspeakably shameful amount of grandma’s recipe for homemade cheesecake.

Oh, my mouth is watering.  Let’s change the subject…

I told my husband, in a fit of guilt over the selfishness of NOT delivering to the neighbors and devouring everything myself, that this year we would get right on delivering goodies.

It had to happen, even if that meant my already-neglected home would fall further down on my priority list -which it has.  And the Bunco ladies will see me for what I really am rather than what I WISH they thought I was when they gather here tomorrow night.

I’m a slob.

See my kitchen table? Absolute slobbery. I’m certain the ladies won’t actually care, and I’m also certain that I’m the only one what actually DOES care. Be that as it may, I’m still clawing my way out of Absolute Slobbery 101. I’m constantly fighting it. It’s my lot in life. Slobbery. Slobbery and brownies.
Slobbery and brownies and glee.

But I won’t sink so low as to buy department store Christmas cards (*sarcastic shudder*) because I keep a hard working personal designer on hand. See her in the picture?
Sad (or is it?) truth be told, we’re poor in finances. Hot cocoa mix was a smidge cheaper than the cheeseballs (on account of the cost of crackers, even when purchased in bulk). I had canning jars on hand. And I had green fabric on hand. And of course I had red yarn on hand (leftover from many-a-crochet santa hats). When I put everything together, along with the family picture my aunt had taken and which I had happily picniked before the kids woke up Monday morning, we had a working set-up going. The only problem? We didn’t have cards.
I sat and thought about it for all of two seconds before realizing that my daughter would love nothing more than to personally design every single card.
And, man… did she EVER. That girl is really something. This was my favorite of all the designs. She drew a Christmas bell, wrote “Hohohohoho” and then she drew a picture of something that looked like a butter knife but was actually something entirely different that I cannot recall at all.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and I say so be it. And thank goodness for that.

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