If You Could Pop Through The Picture, You’d Hear:

“Babe, let’s put the kids in a chair and we’ll kneel behind it. That way my after-baby belly will be hidden.”

“Sweetie, for the last time… keep your LEGS DOWN. No one wants to see your big girl pants.”

“I can’t take another picture until SOMEONE CHANGES THAT BOY’S DIAPER.”

“I should have worn panty hose, my legs are as white as the snow. Son, look at the camera…”

“Son, LOOK at the CAMERA.”

“It’s okay, I can always picnik it.”


  1. Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve commented. My computer time is limited these days, and so although I’ve had time to peruse, I haven’t had time to contribute. However–I have had so many comments in my mind (and now most are forgotten–sorry), but these are the ones relative to this post:
    Some of my most traumatic memories were trying to get family pictures. In most of them, if you look closely enough, you’ll see that one or several of us kids have red-rimmed eyes because either my mom snapped at us or one of the other siblings pinched/poked/prodded us and made us look bad. And we of course had to react as loudly as possible so that justice would be served.
    In the one where your legs look white, you should have just claimed that you were wearing pantyhose or white tights. From a picture, no one would have known the difference! And yes, I do know that from my own experience (s).
    There. How’s that for a couple weeks’ worth of repressed comments? :)

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