What do I blog about today? Easter morning? Easter luncheon at Grandma’s? Grandma’s Grand Traditional Easter Egg Hunt? The unplanned nightcrawlers hunt that happened afterward? Grandpa’s 80th birthday?
Truth be told, Grandpa doesn’t care much about birthdays (maybe he doesn’t care much FOR birthdays). My ten year old cousin, Leigh, made him a beautiful bundt cake (! can you believe it?! She’s 10!) and we all ate most of it before he even got home from the prison where he helps out with Sunday Services.
When he finally did come home, he quickly changed into his work coveralls because he had irrigation water that needed checking. When he walked into the Easter Egg Hunt, we all sang “Happy Birthday” to him and then grandma asked him if he’d gotten anything to eat.
“I stole a slice of ham and a biscuit, and I drank some juice,” he said.
“Did you get enough? Do you want some candy?” Grandma held out a small bag full of mini Hershey bars that kids had turned into her for $1 a piece. Grandma pulled a handful out and gave them to Grandpa, “They’re the good kind,” she finished. He thanked her with a smile on his face.
I stood by the side and soaked it all in -grateful for both of them and the love they’ve always shown for each other. They never show it by way of physical touch (I’ve seen them kiss once though! Grandpa surprised Grandma while she was washing dishes and laid one on her and it made her blush) -they’ve always shown it by the way they treat each other. They make sure the other is always taken care of. I’m grateful they’ve worked hard together. I’m grateful that they’ve stayed together. I’m grateful that Grandpa will give me organ lessons. I’m grateful that he watches Lawrence Welk. I’m grateful that grandma watches basketball games and my husband can join her. I’m grateful that grandma always buys my husband’s favorite flavor of ice cream for him. I’m grateful for the examples they are to me and for absolutely everything they’ve taught me. They are -both of them -bottomless wells of information.
This picture isn’t the best, but only because I snuck it in yesterday. Grandma’s holding a bag full of chocolate and Grandpa has some in his hands.
Happy Birthday, Grandpa. We all love you and grandma more than you know.
(Easter report to come. I woke up with a nasty head cold, so my brain is only sorta functioning.)
If I were there, I’d give you a pat on the back, and my very best Sheldon-like “there there”. But you do have some leftover chocolate to help you through your sniffles, no?