I KNEW the Day Would Come

For years, I’ve been suspicious that I secretly had what it took to be fully dressed (this means socks AND shoes AND a bra), have make-up on and a clean house all…
AND people would come over unexpectedly.

Yesterday, it actually happened. There’s nothing sweeter than validated suspicions. Ahem, providing those suspicions are sweet and not awful (like “I think my husband is cheating on me”).

As I did laundry yesterday, there was a knock at the door. It was my neighbor from down the road. She’s a grandma with no local grandchildren. My daughter, The One Who Knows No Stranger, simply adopted her.
This brings her total Grandma count to 8. Seriously.
There’s Granny, Grammy, Grandma Hoopes, regglar Grandma, Great Grandma, Super Grandma (yes, that’s a thing), Other Super Grandma (yeah), and Grandma Elsie.
Grandma Elsie came by yesterday and we visited, and it was wonderful.
I was free from the pressing stress of the house, and I was able to just enjoy her company 100%.
I still enjoy company when my house isn’t clean, but I don’t enjoy it 100% because in the back of my mind I’m thinking, ‘uuuuugh… filth.’

Anyway, it finally happened yesterday. And it may never happen again, so please: applaud, or write it in your journal, or send up a hallelujah.

And then check my Muskateers out. They’re the best.


  1. I feel like that day might never come for me. I hardly ever bother changing out of my pj’s anymore (what’s the point? I’m not going out in that coldness!) and my house is pretty much always messy. Except for yesterday when I was bitten by the cleaning bug and managed to clean my bedroom (which never happens) as well as tidy the living room. But I was still in pjs when Boss got home… I did get dressed after that, but only because he wanted to go to goodwill and take us all to dinner. Oh, yeah, and I NEVER get surprise visitors. (I pretty much never get planned ones either.) …wow, I’ll just end this sad comment now.

    • Oh woman! It’s not a sad comment. I can relate! I just happen to have a revolving door these days -I’m not sure why. I hear you though and I relate to you! I wish you could come over… we could wear PJs together :)

  2. I’m impressed! I make it a goal to have a bra on, at least, by the time piano lessons start–but the house? Mmmmm….less of a goal.
    And I just love you. Can I say that?
    PS–your picture is so sweet–and your kids can play Battleship without getting those plastic thingies all over the place? Bravo. Good for you, mama!!

    • I love you too… f’real. And I want to enroll in your piano lessons just so I can have an excuse to visit with you for 30 scheduled minutes a week. Ha!

  3. I LOVE that idea!! I’d even teach ’em for free, just so long as you promise to hang out and talk afterwards. Sigh. Remember how we live an hour apart and gas is RIDICULOUS?
    Although, I’m just saying, next time you go to the temple–I’m sure my kids would LOVE having your kids hang out with them. Free babysitting! Eh? Eh? :)

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