What I Love About Country

Yesterday evening, I had a few errands to run. I stopped at the stop sign on Porter and Main… looked to the right for cars, caught a glimpse of Uncle Doyle standing in my great-grandfather’s truck with the sunset in the background… looked left for cars…
Turned left onto Main.
As I pulled farther and farther away from Uncle Doyle, I couldn’t stop thinking about the scene. The old white truck, the sunset, his signature blue coveralls.
It really was a great scene.
I drove farther.
Probably one I’d never see again.
But a great memory…
The sunset was coming through the clouds so perfectly.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I did a U-turn on Main and headed straight back for Uncle Doyle. I pulled into his drive, hopped out of my truck and asked if I could please take a picture of him. I’ll never forget the sweat beading down his face and the funny look he gave me. I didn’t care. I really didn’t. I’d face any and all amount of embarrassment if I could JUST capture that one moment.

Thank goodness phones are now cameras. Otherwise I would have had to ask someone nearby to borrow a camera -and don’t you think I wouldn’t have.

I now have THE picture that features not only the man who sealed my husband and I in the Temple… but my great-grandfather’s classic truck as well.  Priceless.


  1. Priceless picture! His kids will all want a copy.

  2. This picture is so awesome! I’m so glad you turned around and got that picture. Totally worth being that lady. :)

  3. I LOVE that picture!! It needs to be framed.

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