Wedded Bliss

We pulled into our very own driveway last night after being away from home for over a week. Last night, I slept in my gigantic-o bed, and it felt so wonderful. Leaving home for a week is always a welcome, refreshing change. It makes coming home fun, and I’m actually looking forward to cleaning… which is a sensation entirely new to me. The reason we skipped town is that my hairy husband had a little brother getting married. The little brother specifically asked my hairy husband to please clean up before the wedding, and oh my GOSH… my husband cleans up SO good. Seriously.

I’ve spent the last two days begging him to stay clean… just for a week. I miss his cheeks. Don’t get me wrong: he can pull off facial hair really well, but geez golly oh my stars! I missed seeing that purty face.
The wedding colors were grey and yellow, and the reception was jaw-dropping gorgeous. The entrance to the church was decorated with hanging paper lanterns, two beautiful lamps, and vinyl lettering on the glass doors:

The entrance was flanked by doors with a decorative ladder above:

And the rest of the decor followed suit -it was beautiful.

The boy’s favorite dancing partner was his cousin:

There’s really nothing better than cousins all around:

The Bride and Groom posed with all the cousins. Is it me, or do they look totally natural with 7 kids?

Uncle Dusty could really do with a daughter -that’s for sure.

The dessert table was positioned in the middle of the room, and it was filled with delicious goodies: brownies, cookies, cake balls, lemon candies, mints:

My daughter thought it would be a good idea to hide under the dessert table and grab people’s feet. Meanwhile, my son thought it would be fun to hit up the lemonade stand, turn the spickets on and leave them running so lemonade would spill all over the wood floors.
I endured approximately 3 meltdowns from my son and one meltdown from my daughter.
I had to hold my son in my lap to keep him from turning the lights on (since the room was dimly lit by beautiful lights here and there) and he showed his spite by laying on his belly and spitting all over my dress.
I couldn’t believe how naughty my kid was being. He’s old enough to know better, and by the end of the night I was exhausted. I fell into bed and I don’t even remember falling asleep. My husband got the kids to bed.

My poor daughter told me when we first arrived at the reception, “She may throw her pretty flowers, and I know I will catch them.”
But when the bouquet went flying through the air, another girl was trying to dance with my daughter… and she missed out on her chance. Her little shoulders fell, she turned and looked at me and immediately I took her in my arms and beelined it out the door. Once outside, she broke down and cried and cried and cried big, fat tears of disappointment.
“I just have been wanting to catch those flowers for YEARS,” she said, tears barreling down her cheeks.
Luckily the girl’s grammy was in charge of the flowers and had some leftovers.
The girl went to bed with a bouquet tucked safely next to her. She pounced on me in bed just as I was drifting off.
“Look, Mom, what Grammy just do-ed for me!”

Sweet Grammy, who had been going full speed ahead working on the wedding from the luncheon to the flowers to the tiny details that every mother-of-the-groom worries about had come home from the reception and taken a few minutes to make a bouquet for her disappointed granddaughter. That’s a true grandmother right there.
Here’s Grammy dancing with her son. She stood near me as she watched him dance his first dance with his bride, and all she could say was, “My sweet, sweet Dusty…”

And then she got her turn:

It was a great, great night despite my children grabbing feet and spilling beverages.

I can’t believe it’s been 7 1/2 years since our wedding. It seems like yesterday and a million years ago all at the same time.
The next morning, we met up with family for a breakfast before most of them had to head home. When I walked into the room with my naughty boy in tow, a 9 year old boy said, “Did you not comb your hair this morning?”
“Well, no,” I reached up and scrunched my hair absolutely mortified that someone noticed, “I was really tired…”
And then I realized he was talking to my son.
Ah, the wonderful awkwardness of admitting to the entire room that you didn’t comb your hair at all… which implies you didn’t shower either.


  1. That was such a gorgeous wedding! WOW!!!

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