If My Life Could Be Summed Up In One Picture

I hosted Bunco last night, and my husband wasn’t home yesterday. The kids stuck around the house during the games. I did my best to keep a pile of distractions in their room, and I knew they would absolutely thrash it but that was okay. I tried to counter-act the trashing by having them clean their room beforehand. Thank goodness. Can you imagine what their room would have looked like had they NOT cleaned it up?

After most of the guests left, I walked into my kids’ room and found my son completely crashed on the floor. I had to laugh. Do you know how many times I’ve crashed on the floor? I mean, besides last night… do you know how many times I’ve crashed on the floor? So many. So very many.
I like floor sleeping. I think if I didn’t like food so much, I’d make for a great post-WWII refugee.

That seems to be my theme in life. Wake up, clean up, make a mess, crash… wake up, clean up, make a mess, crash…
Some things never change.


  1. I just love you. Wish I was good at floor sleeping–but I always wake up hurting in places I didn’t know existed. :)
    Thank you for sharing the picture, by the way–Jack’s room looks a lot like that right now, but I’m too tired to even think about cleaning it up. :)

  2. My husband wishes I wasn’t so good at floor sleeping. I guess he likes it when I sleep NEXT to him (whatever that’s about).

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