Before I start, I think you should all know that someone searched the term “I hate the letter w” and came up with my site.
I can’t say why exactly, but I’m a little proud.
I also want to bore you a spam comment I received. Someone left one about WANTING to get a heart attack. Apparently, my post on caramel apples seemed to really help them out.
What can I say? I’m here to help.
And now onto more important things: I read a quote a few days ago that affected me in several ways. First, I was ridden with substantial guilt. Then, I was confused. After that, I went into pondering, and I came out the other side amused and little furious.
The quote?
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” ~ Coco Chanel
On first reading, it seemed so breezy and cool -terribly attractive. Immediately, I looked down at my jeans and tee shirt and thought ‘What’s MY deal then? Am I not a girl? Am I “just” a housewife masquerading as a mom?’
I looked at my house. It was littered in yarn and toys and Christmas ornaments.
Was it classy? No. Fabulous? Gag me.
I walked around my house feeling like a huge let down to my husband. ‘He deserves someone classy and fabulous,’ I moaned to myself, ‘Someone thin with perfect posture and long, skinny fingers (as opposed to my stubby farm girl fingers, of course). He deserves a cleaner house, a wife who is up on the latest fashions, and home decor that REEKS of eucalyptus and perfection.’
That’s not what he has, mind you. But you already knew that.
Then I decided to try and imagine my life as a classy and fabulous woman. I laughed out loud -and I kid you not.
Then I imaged an entire WORLD full of nothing but classy and fabulous women and I laughed EVEN HARDER. Can’t you just picture it?
Not only madness but… cat fights. and back bites. and holy mother of all drama.
There’s something to be said for variety. Variety gets the short end of the stick when it comes to mentions. Classy, fabulous… they get more than their fair share of mentions. But variety? We don’t hear much about it. I’d like to change that. I THINK there should be great emphasis put on it! Variety is what keeps society moving! It’s what makes one GREAT MASS BALL of wonderful out of a billion individual souls!
Some of those souls are classy and fabulous, yes. And thank goodness. But some of those souls are also dirty because they’ve spent the day in their garden. Others are in their pajamas and haven’t showered in four days because they’re raising four tiny Future Doctors/Teachers/Cops/Mine Workers that have been passing around the flu. A few of the souls are extra special souls that don’t quite have the “fabulous” or “classy” make of body or mind. A few are depressed. A few are so frackin’ filled with joy that they’re busting out at the seams and making so much racket that no one dares label them “classy” (though I’d consider them very much to be fabulous). Some are in wheel chairs. Some are in rocking chairs. Some are in computer chairs. Some are wrapped up in a blanket in the window with their hair unkempt because they’d rather watch birds than take a shower.
And you know what?
THAT is perfect. THAT is what we need. Women in rocking chairs NEED women that are in computer chairs. Depressed women generally benefit from women in rocking chairs. Young mothers benefit from the “classy and fabulous” women that they certainly can’t be everyday. And I guarantee that classy and fabulous women need scads of help! It takes energy, time, and MONEY to be classy and fabulous!
If we were all investing our existence into being fabulous, we’d sure miss out on… everything.
Whilst pondering, I thought back on the days where I DID feel classy and fabulous, and they were rather unremarkable (the day I got dressed up to go on a date with my husband. Prom night #1. Prom night #2… and that about does it). But the days I felt alive? The days that are etched into my burning soul for all eternity?
I was holding a freshly born baby on my chest.
I was watching two physically filthy toddlers sleep on my cluttered living room floor.
I was holding a positive pregnancy test.
I was holding a college degree.
I was holding hands with my soon-to-be husband for the VERY first time.
I was meeting my goal.
I was teaching.
I was dripping in sweat and peach juice, but the box of peaches… was FINALLY empty!
And so I say to you, women in the world, a girl should be two things: happy and very much herself.
If classy and fabulous is your aim in life, best of luck. You’ve certainly out-done me. However, contact me if you need any mopping done. I’m rather a whiz at it despite the current state of my kitchen floor.
Now, if you’ll pardon me… I’ve got to muck out my kitchen, my son’s diaper, and my brain.
How’s that for class-say?