I made a wreath using rosettes made from book pages:
And I liked it so much that I decided to apply the same idea to a topiary. I’ve been wanting to try this for awhile, but I didn’t have the necessary supplies on hand. But then I had a thought and decided to give it a try. I’ve had an old vase metal vase around for awhile. I’ve had kitchen skewers in my cupboards for months. I have fabric strips rolled into balls that I’m never going to use for anything…
So I parked myself in front of Netflix on my lap top. I set my lap top on my kids’ Lightening McQueen table, and I glued the kitchen skewers together. Then I glued them to the fabric ball.
I’m out of glue sticks so I couldn’t properly finish the project. It still needs rosettes on the backside of the fabric ball and some rosettes to go at the base of the skewers.
I actually think the skewers and the vase need some paint, but that will come later on when I’ve decided on JUST the right shades.
Also, I was just thinking… I wonder what a picture frame would look like covered in those paper rosettes? I think I’ve taken the rosette idea as far as sanity will permit, but someone else should definitely try it! I wouldn’t put a picture in the frame. Or glass, actually. I would just hang it on the wall.
Find a tutorial on how to make paper rosettes HERE